Stepping out from Behind the Stones

Welcome to Stepping Stones! My name is Lysbeth Neel, and I am always learning and growing in this fascinating world around us. I offer perspective, just like anyone does, but instead of clogging up facebook I share it with the world through my blogs. Take a moment to scroll through.
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Monday, February 9, 2015

Closer than a Friend-Bosom Friends

So If you are at all familiar with Anne of green Gables, you will totally get that reference in the title, if not you should really see it, cause its a life changing movie and book.This is not just any friend, she probably looks normal to you, but she is soooooo not normal. Her official name is, well here we will just call her Oompah. She is very close to me as you can imagine. She was my first friends when I moved to Spokane, and started high-school, also my first year in public school. She loves a lot of things, like pretzels, Romeo & Juliet, singing and the gravity. Well maybe gravity loves her more than her return of affection.

Lets set the record straight, I have lots of friends, I just choose to hang with the best one, which is my Oompah. It is hard to imagine we have only been friends for four years, at the same time its so hard to imagine us not together next year. I will be leaving for several states away and her plans are to stay around town. I know ts hard to imagine from that smiling face in the picture, but I wasn't always like that. When they say friends stick through thick and thin, with us its more like: thick, scratching thin, clinging on time, kill me now time, i'm hyper/insane and all the other crazy times together.

Thing is, I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for her. I thought I could always just get along by myself, but she saw right through the veil. She stayed strong and pursued me until I finally let go. And I really let go, I would scream in her ear about my life, over the phone. I would cry and shake in her arms, and I still do today. And I would do the same for her. I went through depression after depression and life didn't get easier for sure, it just got heavier cause I would keep all of it on my shoulders till she would help me get through another torrential break down.

She was there when my family couldn't be, when my eyes were blinded by guy after guy, and I strayed from the path. Love. That is such true love when you can look over to your friend, and see the person who would stand with you in a dinosaur attack, cancer, Justin Bieber concert and all the other torturous things you could think of ( no offense Bieber fans). I would go to the ends of the world and do anything for her. She has already done that for me, saving my life, preserving my smile and shaping my world to help me get up again. She wipes the tears away and makes me laugh.

I know that she will always be here with me, She is a part of my heart. No matter what difficult things happen, I can look forward to more long nights, giggle fits, Friends references and shared memories. Looking back on our talks I don't understand how she kept it all together, all the drama, and crap I loaded on her, day after day. She just knew, some how I needed her and she would make a single splash in the pond with her pebbles of knowledge and love, but those ripples would reach me out on the far shore. I would then be affected by her for the rest of my life. She would be the one to pull me out of the ashes, and look at me and say  "You're beautiful". How could she know that would be the first time I believed someone who said that to me? It wasn't me who was beautiful, it was her, and that gorgeous soul of hers.

There are so many priceless times I recall, but let me leave you with this. There isn't anything that could tear me apart from her, no time, no distance. I can't ever repay her , but I hope one day I can speak into someones's life like she has been doing into mine.
Now that is a friend, people. Someone who makes you feel like you are perfect in every way.

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